Dealing with a building with 300 years life cycle

Can anyone guess what building I am talking about? It is of course the Sydney Opera House and if that got you interested read BIM and Facilities Management at the SOH by Chris Linning that is now available.

Don’t forget to read my feedback of all 9 presentations under the Feedback tab.


Everyone wants to get a piece of the pie which is BIM.
Quantity Surveyors are getting on board of this technology and spending more of their time on design rather than just count quantities. Hear what Caitlin, a 5D Quantity Surveyor had to say about the development in IT and how much money can be saved here.

Where are the Pipes?

How cool would it be to have an app that allows you to scan ground or walls and locate where the pipes are.
If you aren’t into construction then maybe you won’t think its cool but if you are read about BIM and its future spoken by Ryan Hanlen & Fawzi Soliman here.


Just would like to say welcome to my blog where I will post weekly after sitting through presentations that are on every Tuesday. Please come back to get your dose of what is happening with I.T. in construction and property industry.